Call Us: 905-604-2575
Call Us: 905-604-2575

Evolution of English Education

Sister Sophie Ltd. is an academic education company with 13 years’ experience which has served more than 1100 students. Sister Sophie is based in the Greater Toronto Area with its headquarters in Markham. We advocate liberal arts thinking and currently provide literacy and literature programs to more than 300 students in both Canada and China. We also integrate higher education sources in Ontario in order to improve our students’ English language accuracy, critical thinking and overall abilities for effective participation in Canadian society.

Our Mission

There are three commitments we've made to the world. We've been grounded by these since day one:
  • Increase access to high-quality English education material for everyone, everywhere
  • Enhance teaching and learning experience on campus and online
  • Innovating Language Education from North America to the World


Our Story
From experiment to a global movement
While the internet was enabling innovation at scale across a vast array of industries, higher education was reaching only a tiny fraction of the world’s curious minds. One afternoon in an MIT lab Professor Anant Agarwal and his colleagues from MIT and Harvard sketched out a long-shot experiment: a platform that would offer their courses online, open to any person up to the challenge. In February of 2011 Professor Agarwal’s MIT Circuits and Electronics course was launched, and Sister Sophie was born.

Our first step

Sister Sophie was established on the first campus and more than 100 students enrolled

Cooperation with government

The Global Freshman Academy from Arizona State University pioneered college credit for MOOCs on Sister Sophie.

Sister Sophie online platform launch

Piloted by professionals, Sister Sophie launched its first one-stop digital solution for both parents and students to bring the English learning experience to the next level.